terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008

Xenofobia e o discurso de Piter Botha que os Sul Africanos não deviam ter esquecido!!!

Perante a onda de perseguições, roubo e assassinatos a compatriotas nossos e não só na vizinha Africa do Sul fui forçado a revisitar a história e nela fui achar um discurso chocante do Piter Botha (Ex-Presidente Sul Africano durante o apartheid), quando se diria aos membros do seu Governo e posteriormente publicado na edição de 18 de Abril de 1985 do jornal Sunday Times pelo Jornalista David Mailu.
o texto está em Inglês, bem gostaria de o ter traduzido mas o tempo não permitiu.

Eis o discurso de BOTHA:

Pretoria has been made by the White mind for the White man. We are not obliged even the least to try to prove to anybody and to the Blacks that we are superior people. We have demonstrated that to the Blacks in a thousand and one ways. The Republic of South Africa that we know of today has not been created by wishful thinking.

We have created it at the expense of intelligence, sweat and blood. Were they Afrikaners who tried to eliminate the Australian Aborigines? Are they Afrikaners who discriminate against Blacks and call them Niggers in the States? Were they Afrikaners who started the slave trade? Where is the Black man appreciated? England discriminates against its Black and their "Sus"law is out to discipline the Blacks. Canada, France, Russia, and Japan all play their discrimination too. Why in the hell then is so much noise made about us? Why are they biased against us?

I am simply trying to prove to you all that there is nothing unusual we are doing that the so called civilized worlds are not doing. We are simply an honest people who have come out aloud with a clear philosophy of how we want to live our own White life. We do not pretend like other Whites that we like Blacks. The fact that, Blacks look like human being, act like human beings do not necessarily make them sensible human beings.

Hedgehogs are not porcupinesand lizards are not crocodiles simply because they look alike. If God wanted us to be equal to the Blacks, he would have created us all of a uniform colour and intellect. But he created us differently: Whites, Blacks, Yellow, Rulers and the ruled.

Intellectually, we are superior to the Blacks; that has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt over the years.

I believe that the Afrikaner is an honest, God fearing person, who has demonstrated practically the right way of being. Nevertheless, it is comforting to know that behind the scenes, Europe, America, Canada,Australia-and all others are behind us in spite of what they say. For diplomatic relations, we all know what language should be used and where. To prove my point, Comrades, does anyone of you know a White country without an investment or interest in SouthAfrica? Who buys our gold? Who buys our diamonds? Who trades with us? Who is helping us develop our nuclear weapon? The very truth is that we are their people and they are our people. It's a big secret.The strength of our economy is backed by America,Britain, Germany.

It is our strong conviction,therefore, that the Black is the raw material for the White man. So Brothers and Sisters, let us join hands together to fight against this Black devil. I appeal to all Afrikaners to come out with any creative meansof fighting this war. Surely God cannot forsake his own people whom we are.

By now every one of us has seen it practically that the Blacks cannot rule themselves. Give them guns and they will kill each other. They are good in nothing else but making noise, dancing, marrying many wives and indulging in sex. Letus all accept that the Black man is the symbol of poverty, mental inferiority, laziness and emotional incompetence. Isn't it plausible?

therefore that theWhite man is created to rule the Black man? Come to think of what would happen one day if you woke up and on the throne sat a Kaff*ir! Can you imagine what would happen to our women? Does anyone of you believe that the Blacks can rule this country? Hence, we have good reasons to let them all-the Mandelas-rot in prison, and I think we should becomm ended for having kept them alive in spite of what we have at hand with which to finish them off.

I wish to announce a number of new strategies that should beput to use to destroy this Black bug. We should now make use of the chemical weapon. Priority number one,we should not by all means allow any more increases of the Black population lest we be choked very soon.

I have exciting news that our scientists have come withan efficient stuff. I am sending out more researchers to the field to identify as many venues as possible where the chemical weapons could be employed to combat any further population increases. The hospital is avery strategic opening, for example and should be fully utilized. The food supply channel should be used. We have developed excellent slow killing poisons and fertility destroyers. Our only fear is in case such stuff came in! ! to their hands as they are bound to start using it against us if you care to think of the many Blacks working for us in our homes. However, we are doing the best we can to make sure that the stuff remains strictly in our hands.

Secondly, most Blacks are vulnerable to money inducements. I have set aside a special fund to exploit this venue. The old trick of divide and rule is still very valid today. Our experts should work day and night to set the Black man against his fellowman.His inferior sense of morals can be exploited beautifully. And here is a creature that lacksforesight. There is a need for us to combat him inlong term projections that he cannot suspect. The average Black does not plan his life beyond a year: that stance, for example, should be exploited. My special department is already working round the clock to come out with a long-term operation blue print.

I am also sending a special request to all Afrikaner mothers to double their birth rate. It may benecessary too to set up a population boom industry by putting up centres where we employ and support fully White young men and women to produce children for the nation. We are also investigating the merit of uterusrentals as a possible means of speeding up the growth of our population through surrogate mothers.

For the time being, we should also engage a highergear to make sure that Black men are separated from their women and fines imposed upon married wives whobear illegitimate children.I have a committee working on finding better methods of inciting Blacks against each other and encouragingmurders among themselves. Murder cases among Blacksshould bear very little punishment in order toencourage them.

My scientists have come up with a drug that could besmuggled into their brews to effect slow poisoningresults and fertility destruction. Working throughdrinks and manufacturing of soft drinks geared to theBlacks, could promote the channels of reducing theirpopulation. Ours is not a war that we can use theatomic bomb to destroy the Blacks, so we must use ourintelligence to effect this. The person-to-personencounter can be very effective.

As the records show that the Black man is dying to go to bed with the White woman, here is our unique opportunity. Our Sex Mercenary Squad should go out and camouflage with Apartheid Fighters while doing their operations quietly administering slow killing poison and fertility destroyers to those Blacks they thus be friend. We are modifying the Sex Mercenary Squad by introducing White men who should go for the militant Black woman and any other vulnerable Black woman. We have received a new supply of prostitutes from Europe and America who are desperate and too keen to take up the appointments.

My latest appeal is that the maternity hospital operations should be intensified. We are not paying those people to help bring Black babies to this worldbut to eliminate them on the very delivery moment. If this department worked very efficiently, a great deal could be achieved. My Government has set aside a special fund forerecting more covert hospitals and clinics to promotethis programme. Money can do anything for you. Sowhile we have it, we should make the best use of it.

In the meantime my beloved White citizens, do not take to heart what the world says, and don't be ashamedof being called racists. I do not mind being called the architect and King of Apartheid. I shall not become a monkey simply because someone has called me a monkey. I will still remain your bright star…

HisExcellency Botha.

7 comentários:

Bayano Valy disse...

recordar é viver, dizem-nos. mas esta é para morrer. o mais triste não é tanto a caracterização de macaco como a de selvagens. a presente onda de violência xenófoba na áfrica do sul tem um cunho selvático. triste mesmo.

Jorge Saiete disse...

é isso mesmo Bayano, recordar é viver. este discurso é muito interessante e eventualmente poderia nos ajudar a perceber algumas coisas que os nossos vizinhos esqueceram. pena é que, o mesmo está em Ingles, eu ando muito apertado para além de que não confio muito na minha habilidade de tradução. olha, se tiveres algum vagar, traduza-o e o deixe no teu blog, assim será facilmente consumido por todos. abraço

Reflectindo disse...

Caros amigos,

Quando me perguntei sobre quem se ria de nós no texto que postei no meu blog, estava a contar com discursos como estes que me lembro ter lido antes e mesmo escutado em Mocambique no período poís independência em resposta às nacionalizacões. E, continuaremos a ser insultados, zombados enquanto não tivermos governantes que se preocupam pelo seu legado. E o que é deixar legado? Não seria pelo legado que teriamos a propalada auto-estima? Tenho me perguntado ainda se há ou não possibilidade de um presidente da República, por exemplo, deixar um legado visível? Parece que não, pois que, os nossos presidentes só são preocupados pelo turismo (presidencia aberta) que fundar uma vila a partir do zero.

Jorge Saiete disse...

Tão a deixar legados sim senhor. eis alguns exemplos: jatropha, combate ao deixa andar, mecânicos geneocologistas, paiol, incendios nos ministérios, revolução verde, 5de Fevereiro, 7 milhoes etc.
isto é pouco?

Reflectindo disse...

Jorge Saiete, valeu essa! tive que rir por causa das grandes verdades que disseste.

Pensei, claro que sabes, de legados positivos. Vamos ver no caso de Mocambique, em mais de 30 anos ainda não temos sequer uma vila de referência nossa. O mínimo do dinheiro incluindo do perdão da dívida é só para voar-se dum lado para outro, dizem todos governacão aberta, o outro legado.

Anónimo disse...

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Anónimo disse...

neste caso fala se tanto deste legado Deus na hora de dar as cores raça restringio algumas, dando ou não razão isto começou na idade antiga na era dos membros gregos e entre outros, vivemos de aparecia, estamos a viver d dependencia enquanto não termos recurso no caso economico seres um nada como cão, deixo a pergunta por responderem, DE QUEM SERA A CULPA POR TAL?